Wednesday 7 June 2017

A Master Ninjas journey.

A master ninja is built of layers, forged in fire, well tempered, and sharp. After ten years working at Ninja Theory in Cambridge, it's time to humbly accept my Master Ninja title and embark on a personal journey of contemplation and challenge.
What follows over the next hundred or so posts, is a mixture of time earned, time spent, and the thoughts that accompany my over this journey.

So start as you mean to go on... Hungover on a Saturday...

Saturday 3rd June
Hungover after leaving drinks, I treated this as a regular Saturday and tried to reconcile that a day you enjoy wasting is not a day wasted. I can't remember which philosopher, commentator or author coined that, but it's packed with meaning. However one must wonder if the same applies to a day YOU are wasted.

Nonetheless, it was a day of relaxation and recuperation, a curious combination of being chill and anxious that I’m about to relax away four months without getting anything meaningful done.

On the other hand, I Cooked a five-hour slow roast topside of beef and watched the SpaceX CRS-11 mission launch Dragon-2 to the International space station in an historic 100th Launch from KSC 39A, previously host to both Saturn-V and Shuttle launches. An inspiring way to start any journey...

Sunday 4th June

Feeling a lot better and brighter after a day of recovery, and agreed to help take down the marquis. Tooled up with fire in my blood, it’s time for action. It’s time to demonstrate my training.

I’m assuming they will have torches and pitchforks there so didn’t bring my own.

Discovered that we were taking down the marquees, which is a different process altogether. The life of a Master Ninja is nothing if not full of surprises. Hiding my disappointment, we helped out until five or six in the evening after which I had a generous helping of roast beef.

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